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Weiner and Brohawn win early-career investigator awards

By January 30, 2020October 6th, 2021No Comments

Congratulations to Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute members Kevin Weiner and Stephen Brohawn for winning early-career investigator awards from the American Association for Anatomy! Only four scientists received these early-career awards this year.

Kevin Weiner

Weiner, an assistant professor of psychology, won the W.M. Cobb Award in Morphological Sciences for his work relating brain structure and function to behavior, with a focus on human cognition.

Stephen Brohawn

Brohawn, an assistant professor of neurobiology, won the R.R. Bensley Award in Cell Biology. Brohawn studies the molecular basis of sensory transduction and electrical signaling in the nervous system using a unique combination of scientific approaches.

Read the announcement to learn more. Congratulations Kevin and Stephen!