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PhD students Matt Davis, Holly Gildea, and Tobias Schmid win fellowship, awards

By September 8, 2020No Comments

We are pleased to announce that Berkeley Neuroscience PhD students Matt Davis, Holly Gildea, and Tobias Schmid have all been recently recognized for their accomplishments.

Matt Davis (Saijo lab) has been awarded a 2020 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. Nationwide, only about 160 of these fellowships were awarded this year across a wide variety of fields.

Holly Gildea (Dillin lab) and Tobias Schmid (Yartsev lab) have received 2019-2020 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Awards from UC Berkeley’s GSI Teaching & Resource Center. This award recognizes their exemplary teaching of undergraduates within the Molecular and Cell Biology curriculum.

Holly has also received the GSI Teaching & Resource Center’s Teaching Effectiveness Award. This award is based on an essay that Holly submitted in which she described a challenge that she encountered as a GSI, a possible pedagogical solution to this challenge, and her method for evaluating the effectiveness of her proposed solution. Holly is one of only sixteen students across all campus departments to receive the Teaching Effectiveness Award this year.

Congratulations to Matt, Holly, and Tobias for your achievements in research and teaching!

Neuroscience PhD student Matt Davis

Neuroscience PhD student Matt Davis


Neuroscience PhD student Holly Gildea

Neuroscience PhD student Holly Gildea

Neuroscience PhD student Tobias Schmid

Neuroscience PhD student Tobias Schmid